Corporate Governance in SMEs

Trends in the use of corporate governance tools also in SMEs are strengthening in the world. Properly using them can guarantee the growth and development of SMEs.

Implementing a proper corporate governance system in SMEs increases their investment attractiveness, opportunities for attracting highly qualified staff, and establishing mutually beneficial and long-term relationships with partners.

It forces SMEs to focus on the following key issues:

  1. Strategic development: Adopting a long-term strategy, making investment decisions, succession planning;
  2. Control environment: Formation of control mechanisms and accountability system for the implementation of strategic goals;
  3. Formation of favourable relations with stakeholders: Recognition of stakeholders, identification of their expectations and integration into the strategy.

“Corporate Governance in SMEs” manual

Implementing a proper corporate governance system is a long process. It requires targeted and motivated action, as well as a plan to implement them. Such an approach helps SMEs adopt not only separate policies or procedures related to corporate governance, but improve the company’s governance system as a whole, understand the attractiveness of the system to investors and stakeholders, and its importance for resisting competitive battle and for growth.

For this purpose, the Corporate Governance Center presents the “Corporate Governance in SMEs” manual.

“Corporate Governance in SMEs” training

The training aims to:

  1. Explain to SMEs the need for and importance of proper corporate governance for their long-term development;
  2. Assist SMEs in assessing their governance system and promote the adoption of proper development-oriented practices;
  3. Support companies with practical guidelines and tools to design their own development program and initiate its implementation.

Target audience

The training is developed for SMEs looking for ways to ensure their viability and continuous growth.

The training is especially useful for SME founders/owners, key decision makers.

Training methodology and duration

Participants are expected to be actively involved in the training, especially during case studies and group discussions.

At the end of the training, it is envisaged that the training participant, based on the knowledge gained, should be able to develop an individual action plan for the application of corporate governance principles and tools, aimed at the development of his/her own business.

The duration of the training is 8 hours.

Training content

  • SME governance (features and evolution of corporate governance in SMEs);
  • Decision making and governance procedures( decision making, employee involvement and motivation, financial management, succession planning);
  • Governing bodies (Executive Committee, Advisory Board, Board of Directors);
  • Special case (management of family companies);
  • Governance improvement planning (development and discussion of individual development plan)

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