The Corporate Governance Center sums up the annual results of its initiatives and plans the main directions of activity for 2023: Armenian Women on the Board of Directors Network

Armenian Women on the Board of Directors Network

On December 9, the Armenian Women on the Board of Directors, the initiative group for the formation of the Network approved the Network’s rules of activity.

The rules were developed based on the results of the expert survey, the study of international experience, as well as observations and recommendations of the Network’s stakeholders.

The Network’s mission is to promote good governance in Armenia by spreading a culture of diversity and inclusion in the governance of organizations.

The main goals of the Network are:

  1. to continuously develop the abilities of Armenian women to act on the board and in the executive governance team;
  2. to support the visibility and recognition in the business environment of women acting or having the appropriate potential on the board and/or executive management team of organizations;
  3. to create a community of talented Armenian women who are interested, willing, and able to take on the responsibility of acting as board and/or executive team members of organizations;
  4. to promote the opportunities to exchange experience and establish business contacts among the participants of the Network;
  5. to contribute to the establishment of relations between Armenian and foreign organizations.

Any adult physical person, including citizens of the Republic of Armenia, as well as any foreign citizen, who wants to actively participate in the activities of the Network and accepts its Rules, can participate in the Network.

The annual fee for participating in the Network is 20,000 AMD.

Applications for participation in the Network are also accepted electronically through the website of the Corporate Governance Center.

The participants of the initiative group expressed their willingness to support the establishment of the Network and the realization of the mission.

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